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Frequently Asked Questions

Curious about Second Harvest events, jobs and operations? Find out more below!

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Can I make a large food donation?
Can I get a tax receipt?
What about food safety?
Can any type of food be donated?
What is Second Harvest?
What is Food Rescue?
What is the Second Harvest Food Rescue App?
Where is Second Harvest located?
How do I donate excess food?
What kinds of food can be donated?
Can I drop food off to you?
How can I receive food from Second Harvest?
Do you deliver?
What are the legal implications of giving food away?
Do you accept food donations?
Do you pick up food donations?
What is a corporate partnership?
How can I donate funds to help reduce Food Waste?
How can I gift stocks in Canada?
How can I gift stocks in Canada?
What is a gift-in-kind or in-kind donation?
What is legacy giving?
When should I check food temperature?
How should I transport frozen food?
How should I check the temperature of food?
What is a best-before date or expiry date?
What temperature should frozen food be kept at?
How should I keep track of food temperatures?
What is Food Waste?
How much food is wasted in Canada every year?
Why is Food Waste a problem?
Where does the majority of Food Waste occur?
What difference does donating food make?
Why is there food insecurity in Canada?
Which two food groups are most often wasted?
How do I run a successful fundraising campaign?
What is The Rescue Party?
What is the Second Harvest Truck Pull?
Are food donations tax deductible?
Are gifts-in-kind tax deductible?
What is a charitable tax receipt?
Can a nonprofit issue a tax receipt to a business?
What is the minimum amount I need to donate to receive a tax receipt?
Do you offer Food Safety Training?
How do I get a Food Handler Certificate?
How do I get a Food Safety Certificate?
What does "Food Safety" mean?
What is a Food Safety Certificate?
What is a Food Handler Certificate?
Do I need a Food Safety Certificate?
What is a Food Waste audit and how do I complete one?
How long do our certifications take to complete?
What is food literacy?
How do I APPLY to be a volunteer?
What Are The Requirements I Need to Meet To Become A Volunteer?
Why volunteer at Second Harvest?
What is 'surplus food'?
What is 'avoidable Food Waste'?
Is rescued food good to eat?
What liability is involved in making a donation?
What about Food Safety?
Are there donation size limits?
I'm already working with a non-profit. Can I donate to them through Second Harvest?
Can I get a tax receipt?
What kind of commitment does donating food involve?
What kind of commitment does receiving food involve?
What size are the donations?
Can I claim part of a donation?
What types of organizations can join?
I'm already working with a food business. Can I track their donations through Second Harvest?
When can I run my fundraising campaign?
Is there a fundraising minimum?
How long does our campaign run for?
Is there any cost?
Can a Second Harvest representative visit my workplace?
How does our fundraising help Second Harvest?
I submitted a volunteer application, when can I expect to volunteer?
Do I need a Vulnerable Sector Check to volunteer?
I need to fulfill court-appointed hours. Can I volunteer at Second Harvest?
Do you have evening and weekend volunteer opportunities?
How can I stay informed of upcoming volunteer opportunities?
Can I just drop-in to volunteer?
I'm a high school student and need volunteer hours to graduate. What opportunities do you have for students?
Our company's employees would like to volunteer together. Can we do this?
Is the Truck Pull Challenge a public event?
How does Truck Pull work?
How long will Truck Pull last?
How do I participate in the Truck Pull challenge?
What happens after I register my Truck Pull team?
What can I look forward to at the Truck Pull Challenge?
Is there any cost to participate in Truck Pull?
I want to volunteer! What do I do?
I have a great idea for an event. Who do I contact at Second Harvest?
I haven't finalized all the details of my event, but I'd like Second Harvest to help, what do I do?
Will Second Harvest promote my event to make it more successful?
Can a Second Harvest representative attend my event?
Will Second Harvest reimburse me for any event expenses?
Can Second Harvest help me find sponsors for my event?
Will volunteering lead to employment at Second Harvest?
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